miércoles, enero 20, 2010

Ban Phe...

How to describe the place?
It is as difficult as it could be easy... depending on the weather... but anyhow, this is my version:
Ban Phe is like Acapulco, as in the PUEBLO, but submerged in a mixture of noodle soup, heaven blasting sunsets, stray dogs, and of course: a touch of whiskey looking liquor.

This place is like a wonderland of drowning shadows and everlasting blazes of light. One could burn it down or stretch it up until turning it into a completely different thing that paradoxically ends up being exactly what is started out to be. That's the way it is meant to charm you as well as puzzle your crack up. One cannot escape the place's ever evolving nature... it's insane and addictive.

Fortunately for me, a little pueblo-mexican who happens to own a cow named Cecilia (not really), it is never a hard time to cope with a spontaneous lapse of the seriously slow passing of time throughout the space continuum: meaning I don't get bored easily, and this specific geographical spot has got me visually tangled, intertwined and twisted along with its vocal chords, decomposing along with its gastric juices until further notice (or the end of the TEFL course). And I love it.

The mighty Asian sea on one side of the road, and on the other a Big Friendly Giant of greens and browns that covers up wonders that not only elephants dream of... garbage and gold altogether in a single plastic bucket of Sangsom rum.

And so the gateway to Koh Samet opens its jaws to the world of the Ban; the apparently sane slice of reality in which we choose to merge as if being part of fractalic wallpaper patterns.

It was then, that and here that I opened up my eyes.

2 comentarios:

Larissa Ruiz M. dijo...

amo tu blog xall :) gay-tard

The Bee Charmer dijo...

jajaja y yo te amo a ti flogistic-walking gaiety! tnx 4 readin' lars